Existing Power Plants

As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s total consolidated installed capacity was 45,018.8MW, of which consolidated installed capacity of clean energy was 33,938.8MW, accounting for 75.39% of the total consolidated installed capacity. While the Group’s total consolidated installed capacity presented by type of power plants is as follows:

Type of Power Plants Consolidated Installed Capacity (MW)
Hydropower 5,951.1
Wind Power 12,016.1
Photovoltaic Power 15,149.4
Natural Gas Power 505.2
Environmental Power 317.0
Coal-fired Power 11,080.0
Total 45,018.8

As at 31 December 2023, the total consolidated installed capacity of the Group’s wholly-owned and controlled power plants presented by region is as follows:

Hydropower Plant

Region Consolidated Installed Capacity (MW)
Hunan 3,609.7
Guizhou 1,570
Guangxi 630
Sichuan 141.4
Total 5,951.1

Wind Power Plant

Region Consolidated Installed Capacity (MW)
Shanxi 1,723.6
Hunan 1,487.3
Shandong 1,478.3
Guangxi 1,324.4
Gansu 1,270.5
Inner Mongolia 1,098.1
Henan 571.3
Guangdong 511.5
Xinjiang 495.0
Hubei 417.6
Jiangsu 401.7
Ningxia 326.5
Liaoning 299.5
Heilongjiang 264.8
Shaanxi 149.0
Yunnan 97.5
Qinghai 50.0
Anhui 49.5
Total 12,016.1

Photovoltaic Power Station

Region Consolidated Installed Capacity (MW)
Shanxi 2,326.2
Ningxia 2,072.8
Hubei 1,419.3
Heilongjiang 1,266.5
Hebei 1,253.6
Inner Mongolia 1,016.4
Liaoning 803.0
Anhui 668.9
Shandong 662.6
Xinjiang 450.0
Guangxi 443.8
Henan 340.0
Tianjin 318.4
Guizhou 306.3
Zhejiang 301.1
Gansu 298.0
Yunnan 296.7
Fujian 257.2
Hunan 162.0
Guangdong 119.8
Jiangxi 102.5
Jilin 77.5
Jiangsu 57.8
Sichuan 34.3
Shaanxi 32.7
Beijing 31.0
Hainan 31.0
Total 15,149.4

Natural Gas Power Plant

Region Consolidated Installed Capacity (MW)
Jiangsu 200.0
Hubei 155.2
Guangdong 120.0
Sichuan 30.0
Total 505.2

Environmental Power Plant

Region Consolidated Installed Capacity (MW)
Hainan 125.0
Heilongjiang 80.0
Henan 64.0
Hebei 24.0
Sichuan 24.0
Total 317.0

Coal-fired Power Plant

Region Consolidated Installed Capacity (MW)
Anhui 5,860.0
Shanxi 2,000.0
Guizhou 1,320.0
Sichuan 1,200.0
Henan 700.0
Total 11,080.0

As at 31 December 2023, the total attributable installed capacity of the Group’s main associates, joint ventures and investment holding companies’ power plants are as follows:

Power Plants Attributable Installed Capacity (MW)
Shanghai Power Plant 2,424.2
Changshu Power Plant 1,660.0
Yaomeng Power Plant 866.4
CP Shentou 648.0
Dabieshan Power Plant 530.4
Guangxi Overseas 324.5
Xintang Power Plant 300.1
Sujin Energy 285.7
Haiyang Wind Power 235.0
Rushan Wind Power 139.5
Li Yu Jiang Power Plant 151.2
Fushan Power Station 40.5
Sichuan Energy Investment 11.6
Hunan Nuclear Power 6.3
Guigang Wind Power 5.9
Lubei Power Plant 1.8
Total 7,631.1

Projects under Construction

As at 31 December 2023, the Group’s projects under construction presented by type of power plants is as follows:

Type of Power Plants Installed Capacity (MW)
Photovoltaic Power 5,615.9
Wind Power 1,329.8
Environmental Power 30.0
Total 6,975.7

New Development Projects

As at the date of this annual report, the total installed capacity of new projects in a preliminary development stage (including projects which approvals from the government of the PRC have been applied for) is approximately 16,296.5MW. The categories are distributed as follows:

Type of Projects Installed Capacity (MW)
Wind power and photovoltaic power 16,256.5
Environmental power 40
Total, approximately 16,296.5

Shareholding in Emerging Energy Industries and Investment Holding Companies

Ultimate Controlling Shareholder - SPIC

The Company is ultimately owned by SPIC, a wholly State-owned enterprise established by the approval of the State Council of the PRC. The business of SPIC covers the power, coal, aluminum, logistics, finance, environmental protection and high-tech industries in the PRC and abroad with a total installed capacity of approximately 237GW, of which the total installed capacity of clean energy was approximately 166GW, accounting for 69.89% of total installed capacity.