Pingwei Power Kick-starts New Talent Recruitment Method on "Cloud"

On 15 May, Pingwei Power carried out online training for its newly recruited university graduates on a remote education platform, which helped the trainees to familiarize the workplace, resolve their confusion, and understand the companys cultures and visions in advance. The trainees had gotten a feel of the companys caring and loving community, as we aim for them to apply these values in their works and to switch roles in the future and help the company to recruit further talents through the "cloud", as well as cultivating and retaining talents through remote management.

Through the informative electronic recruitment platform, the company gave a remote talk, where it helped answer the students queries in detail with both text and images, such as its development prospects, remuneration, career development, and support services. The video was uploaded onto the internet to raise its profile among high school students, which added a new channel for them to learn more about the company and strengthened its influence on graduating students. For better management of its new staff, the company provides regular online training in intriguing and demanding topics for students, ranging from everyday life to work, such as changing your mindset and alleviating work pressure, to help students adapt to the working environment and contribute to the companys future development.