Zhongdian Huachuang Passes SPIC's Certification for Chemical Testing and Diagnostic Technological Research Centre

On 19 June, China Power's Zhongdian Huachuang received a notice from China Power Investment Corporation (CPIC), in which CPIC approved and recognised the chemical testing and diagnostic technological research centre for which Zhongdian Huachuang is the relying unit.

Zhongdian Huachuang was founded in 2014 and is equipped with chemical water quality, oil and gas, coal and metal material testing laboratories and an information and data processing centre, which is capable of conducting corresponding business work for thermal power, hydropower, and alternative fuelled power generation enterprises. Certified as a national high-tech enterprise, and having obtained certification in quality, the working environment, and occupational health and safety, Zhongdian Huachuang was given a qualification certificate of inspection and testing organisation (China Metrology Accreditation) by the Jiangsu Market Supervision and Administration Bureau in 2019 and possesses strong and professional technological innovation capabilities.

Next, Zhongdian Huachuang aims to construct a first-class power station chemical technology research centre and continuously enhance its technical innovative capabilities to provide the industry's integrated innovations with resources for technical results and promote high-quality development.