China Power Holds Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

On June 6, 2024, China Power held its annual general meeting of shareholders. The meeting was chaired by Mr. He Xi, Chairman of the Board and Executive Director, at the Beijing venue. The meeting was attended by Mr. Gao Ping, Executive Director and President, at the Beijing headquarters, Mr. Zhou Jie and Ms. Huang Qinghua, Non-Executive Directors, and Mr. Li Fang, Mr. YAU Ka Chi, and Mr. Xu Hanzhong, Independent Non-Executive Directors, via video. This annual general meeting was held through an online platform, allowing shareholders to participate by watching a live webcast.

The shareholders approved seven resolutions, including the audited consolidated financial statements for 2023, the Board and Auditor's reports, the declaration of dividends for 2023, the re-election of retiring directors, and the reappointment of the company's auditors.

During the Q&A session, Mr. He Xi, Mr. Gao Ping, and Mr. Shou Rufeng, Deputy President, responded to shareholder inquiries regarding the company's future dividend policy, the current year's performance of hydropower assets, and policies on coal power capacity and pricing. Through this communication, participating shareholders gained a deeper understanding and recognition of the company's operational status and clean energy development strategy.