China Power and Qingdao West Coast New Area Hold Talks and Sign Agreement

On June 26, 2024, Mr. Gao Ping, President and Executive Director of China Power, met with leaders from Qingdao West Coast New Area at the headquarters. Both parties discussed topics such as new energy development, promoting industrial integration, deepening enterprise-government cooperation, and achieving mutual benefits. Following the talks, a strategic cooperation agreement was signed.

China Power welcomed the delegation and provided an overview of China Power's history, business development, and key clean energy projects in Shandong, and detailed China Power's achievements in emerging industries such as energy storage, color PV power, green power transportation, rural revitalization, and green electricity conversion. China Power noted the rich new energy and marine resources of Qingdao West Coast New Area and its strategic location advantages, and pledged to leverage its brand, technology, and financial strengths to collaborate with top industry enterprises such as Sinotrans Limited and China National Chemical Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. in the new area, hoping to strengthen exchanges and promote high-quality project implementation to support green, low-carbon development in the new area.

The delegation thanked China Power for its warm reception, appreciated its commitment to green, low-carbon transition and achievements, and briefly introduced the development status of the Qingdao West Coast New Area, noting recent efforts to seize national new energy development opportunities and optimize energy structure adjustments, providing full support for clean energy project implementation. They hoped China Power and related industries would conduct on-site inspections to find suitable collaboration points, maximizing mutual benefits.

After the meeting, Qingdao West Coast New Area and China Power signed a strategic cooperation agreement.