"Ying Shan Hong · China Power Bright Education" Activity by Yaomeng Power Generation Aided Teenagers

On 5 July to 17 July, Yaomeng Power Generation Company conducted the "Ying Shan Hong · China Power Bright Education" activity to provide education aid to teenagers from poor areas. With its strong corporate strength, nearly 700 employees in 19 departments of the company participated in the activity with the total donation amount of RMB18188.

"Ying Shan Hong · China Power Bright Education" activity is an important task of the company to practice its social responsibility in recent years. With enthusiastic support by all of the employees, various levels took part in and widely raised fund to aid teenagers from impoverished families and obtained a sound result in the society. The activity expanded its targets that the company further assisted children under difficult circumstances and left-behind children beyond helping impoverished college students.

The company carefully planned, prudently organized and actively acted. It raised donations through both online and offline ways and handed in the donations to relevant authorities in Pingdingshan City.